Tuesday, September 09, 2003

I would like to acknowledge the folks who have been so great about getting me back and forth to work...and to my appointments. I feel lucky to have such great people in my life. Brenda, Carol, Cynthia, Joanie, and Kathi have all been wonderful about driving me around the city.....back and forth to Somerville, Cambridge and Waltham. Thanks!

My mom called me yesterday to tell me about the Colossal Colon that is coming to Copley Square in Boston on October 15-18, 2003. The Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation website describes the Colossal Colon as the following.

The Colossal Colon is a 40-foot long, 4-foot high replica of a human colon. Visitors who crawl through the colon, or look through the viewing windows, will see healthy colon tissue, colon disease, polyps and various stages of colon cancer. The Colon was modeled after a real colon taken from colonoscopy film footage and is extremely lifelike.

Sounds cool right? I'm bummed out that I probably won't be able to crawl through the colon by that point. Maybe I'll just go and show my support.

And......the most recent broken leg developments are.......I started wearing a shoe on the foot of my broken leg. It felt all cramped at first. My physical therapist said I should get used to wearing a shoe again. Today was my first full day with a shoe. Maybe I'll start training for the Boston Marathon. Hmm...I don't think so....I think running is kinda boring.

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