Wednesday, June 02, 2004

I have great news. I heard from my doctor today. He wants me to reduce my Prednisone to 5 mg. Yee haw. My enzymes are better than they were the last time I had bloodwork. He wants me to have bloodwork in another month. The hope is to take me off the Prednisone all together.

I have been sort of lazy about doing my ankle and foot exercises lately. As a result I have noticed more stiffness in my arch and ankle. I need to keep on it. I hope my foot issues won't re-surface with the decrease in Prednisone. I just did my exercises for the first time today. I will do them again tonight.

I am still walking and doing Pilates. I will admit that I have been doing a more modified...I'm in a rush...without the videotape Pilates workout these days. I need to get up earlier and do the tape slowly. But it's so hard to get up in the morning.

I have a headache....and a bit of a scratchy throat. I didn't go to work today. I hope it's not allergies. Allergies don't go away. Sickness does. I spent the day reading and napping. I'm feeling a little bit better.....

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