Wednesday, February 18, 2004

I went to my Mom's after work yesterday. She had made some chocolate chow mein cookies and wanted to share them...yummy. She has been having pain in her calf. They say it could be a superficial bloodclot....whatever that means...or cellulitis...not sure what that is either. She is taking ibuprofen for pain.

Something funny happened to us on Valentine's Day in the North End. We were walking down Hanover Street and this man selling roses says...."roses for sale." We kept walking until we heard him say...."I have lavender roses." We both thought this was very funny. Did he know we were lesbians? Do we stand out that much? We weren't holding hands. This whole experience made us laugh. We kept walking. About a half hour later we were drinking cappucino and eating canollis in a cafe and the man with the roses walked in. He walks right over to us...smiles and says......"I have lavender." Then he proceeded to tell my partner that she needed to "find someone else" because I would not buy her roses. We thought this was a howl. Finally I gave into pressure and said I would buy the roses. When I asked for the lavender ones he told me that he had lied...and that he did not have lavender flowers in his bunch. I harrassed him about not telling the truth. He told me that the lavender roses were too expensive...he would never make a profit. I ended up buying two orange. He lied.....but at least he was good natured about least he was trying to be inclusive. It was all very funny.

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