Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I heard from my hepatologist that my bloodwork looks good. My enzymes are normal...my IgG is low. So...she is taking me off the Prednisone and increasing my Imuran to 100 mg QD. This is very good news. I'm a little concerned about being on the higher dose of Imuran. Will I have cold sores left and right.....will I get colds more often? Will I have to be more concerned about being around sick people? I'm also a little nervous about not being on the Prednisone. Yeah I complain about the Prednisone all the time...it makes me hungry.....it weakens my bones.......it gives me facial hair.....BUT.......it's also a great anti-inflammatory. It saved my life when my liver was really sick. The small 5 mg dose appeared to take away the inflammation in my left ankle last year after I was recuperating from the broken leg. I currently have a sprained right ankle and am a little nervous that not being on the Prednisone will cause more discomfort in that area. Argh......I can never win.

Hmm...what else is new.....I'm going in for an endoscopy in a couple of weeks. I'm starting pt for my right ankle soon........I'm also having a bone densitometry in a couple of months.

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