Monday, January 23, 2006


I just got a bit more follow-up from my doctor today. She wants me to come back in April for bloodwork and see her in July. I had been getting bloodwork every three months, but there was some talk about my possibly only needing to have it done every six months. The doctor decided that every three months was the way to go.

It snowed pretty hard this morning. It took me twice the time it usually does to get to work. It looks as if it has turned to rain. I hope it doesn't freeze. I was hoping they would let us go home early from such luck.

We had a great weekend. Friday night we watched Dancing With The Stars with some friends. We later went to Toast to do some more contemporary/booty shaking. Saturday we went to see Parker and spent the rest of the evening at a cocktail party. The party was fun until I realized that my non-alcoholic diet coke had been switched with someones coke and absolut drink. We quickly switched back. I hate when that happens. Sunday I went to church and did some shopping. B and I also went for a walk around Cambridge and Somerville. We stayed up and watched the L Word last night. I was very happy to see that they had added a new character (Moira) to the show. Her character brings both a butch and a working class dimension that was missing before. However I think that the writers have gone a little over the top with this character. We will see how it all turns out. Overall it was a nice weekend.

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