Wednesday, December 29, 2004

I don't have a lot to report on.

My Christmas was nice. I spent some quiet time at home with my family. I also got to hang out with my aunt, uncle, and younger cousins. On Christmas I opened gifts with my family, watched The Life and Death of Peter Sellers, ate a yummy roast dinner, and got beat by my mother in a few hands of poker. Its not fair....she had never played before. Its ok...really...we weren't playing for money....and we had fun.

The rest of my weekend was spent catching up with friends and avoiding the snow that was accumulating outside my window. Fortunately we had enough snow that I didn't need to go into work on Monday. I love that I get snow days as an adult. Yee haw...and extended holiday.

It was back to work yesterday, but honestly it has been slow. I feel that I cannot get work done even if I want to because everyone else seems to be on vacation. I have tried to contact three colleagues this get my work done...and they all appear to be out of the office until Monday, January 3rd.

Lets see.....hmmm...what else is new. I went to see
House of Flying Daggers the other night. I liked it and it was beautiful, but....I think I'm getting a little sick of the genre....and it was too melodramatic for me. Went to dinner at a friend's recently. The soup she made was yummy. Also got dinner with another friend last night. Braved the storm on Sunday and had a late lunch with some other folks. Watched the movie Monster on Monday. Although sad...and disturbing.....I did enjoy it. I would recommend this film to anyone.

I should run along. Happy New Year!

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