Tuesday, January 27, 2004

I always have great plans for this blog. Each day I come up with something I feel is interesting to write about.....whether it be about our trek on the Chinatown Bus to and from New York in a snow storm....or about the Paulist Center's most recent open letter supporting gay and lesbian community members........or about the premier of the L Word but somehow it doesn't usually make it to this page. Maybe it's because I'm lazy. Maybe it's because work has been very busy all of a sudden. Maybe it's because I recently acquired two new electronic toys (a pda, a digital camera) and have been busy transferring information to and from them. Maybe it's because my life outside of work has been non-stop. I promise I will start writing more.

Updates....hmm......Mom is done with chemo on February 6th. She hasn't been feeling great lately. I think she should take a week off from chemo....but the end is so near......and she just wants to be done with the torture. She is scheduled for surgery on March 1. Luckily she is having the surgery at the Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH). I was a patient at the BWH for a month ten years ago. My step-dad knows how to get there. The hospital is T accessible.

I am supposed to see my physical therapist Jen tomorrow. We are also supposed to get a foot of snow. I wonder if my appointment will be cancelled. I will call later. I have been good about doing my exercises...I bought new shoes......I have inserts in these new shoes........AND I still have pain in my ankle and foot. Argh!

Helping a friend pack today after work. This friend has asthma and other allergies. Recently she has had troubles breathing in her own apartment. That being said....she found a new place to live last weekend. She is moving on February 2nd. So....I am going over to her allergy and asthma causing apartment to help her pack. It's the least I could do....she was very good to me when I broke my leg. She drove me around........helped me drop off the wheelchair to the pharmacy etc.

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