Wednesday, August 25, 2004

I know I have been a bad blogger recently. I haven't written in what seems like forever.

I have been very busy. Went to a conference for work at the beginning of August. Also celebrated Cynthia's 32nd birthday! Happy Birthday Cyn! Took a week and a half off of work. Had some visitors from out of town. Went to a Red Sox game. We won..yee haw! Went camping in Provinctown during Hurricane Charlie. Came back to Boston and then went to Northern Maine for a few days. Got back to Boston last Sunday night and started back at work on Monday.

My mother's birthday is tomorrow. Happy birthday Mom.

Went to see my hepatologist today. Looks like my liver is back to normal. I am to see the doctor in six months. The problem is that my doctor is moving to Seattle. I need to find a new one.

I need a haircut.

I need to make a dentist appointment.

I need to lose weight....get healthy.

I need to get back to work........

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