Monday, March 08, 2004

The following email came to me from my friend Michelle. Make a call and make a difference!

MassEquality wants you to make the call to your legislator again on Monday [TODAY] in support of same-sex marriage. The Constitutional Convention reconvenes on Thursday, so we want to have as many contacts as possible.

Tell them:
1. That you are their consitutent~ they're getting a lot of calls from loonies out of state.
2. That you support the Goodridge decision and oppose discrimination in the constitution.
3. Any personal story that will help sway them like: I'm straight, but support my friends and their families; I'm gay and civil unions will HURT my family because....; or I'm a Catholic and I support everyone's right to marry and oppose discrimination. Things like that! Or, I'm not a Catholic and I don't want
to live in according to the rules of someone else's religion!

If you have any friends or family members that you can call and ask them to call their legislators, too, that'd be great!

They can find out who their legislator is (and how they voted last time... in case you need to thank or encourage them) on MassEquality or at Where Do I Vote.

Please spread the word, and thanks! It's gonna be a busy week!

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