Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Everytime I log onto Blogger the interface looks different. I cannot tell if its my browser...or if blogger just changes everyday. ARGH!

We took my mother out to celebrate her birthday the other night. We went to the Elephant was yummy. I bought her a cd walkman...figuring she could listen to it at chemo.....but come to find out she already had one. I think she is planning on exchanging it for something else.

I went to pt today. My physical therapist said that when I had started bending my knee I was at 84 I'm at 106....yee haw.

I worked from home today. I definately get more done when I work at home.

Yesterday I slipped in the kitchen at work. There was some water on the floor..and my crutch slipped. I put some weight on my leg....but I think it's ok. My knee appears to be working correctly.....and I don't have any more pain then usual.

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