Sunday, August 03, 2003

I went to the see the doctor last Thursday. He took another x-ray of my knee because I had put a teeny bit of pressure on my foot over the course of the week. The x-ray revealed that I have mutliple tibial plateau fractures. I was really upset to find this out. The doctor literally said.."we are dealing witha bag of bones here and we don't want it to fall apart." WHAT THE HELL KIND OF COMMENT IS THAT to make to a patient witha broken limb? I'm supposed to be getting my new brace this week.

I've been really down about all of this between my mom's cancer....and this crappy broken leg. I've been crying left and right....I have no energy. I was alienating everyone except my family. I didn't feel like I could get by with seeing people without bursting into tears. I'm trying to reach out to the people who have been trying to support me these days. I should let them in.

My knee is somewhat painful. I have these terrible charlie horse like muscle pains in my calf. What progress has been made....? I can lift my leg a bit. I am getting better on my crutches. I am in less pain.

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